Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Colbert OP-ED Takeover | NYTimes

I laughed so hard people here at work were staring at me; uncomfortably. NYTimes article (you will have to login to see it; it's free - and worth the read).

I've always had an appreciation for Colbert, but given the choice have gravitated towards Stewart. Two different men, backing time slots. Hearing Colbert on NPR recently has given me a new appreciation for his humor, political attacks, and frankly his personal beliefs.

Again, freaking hysterical OP-ED column.

White Stripes Holga - Got Mine

Well, after reading this article I had to grab one - that's right gang, I just purchased one of 3000 "Jack" inspired Holga's. I didn't opt for both Jack and Meg because, well, they are a bit pricey. The site was down all afternoon, so I was freaking pleased that I could finally get though. Now, lets hope they don't accept all orders then notify users that "sorry, we be all out...suka..." because that would piss me off more then them telling me from the get-go. I have a confirmation number, so I'll wait and see.

From the website/article:

‘Jack’ Holga Flash Camera Starter Kit:
Created in the 1980s the Holga is an all-plastic icon of camera design. It produces totally unique images, dripping with color and contrast. This limited edition Holga color flash camera has been renamed ‘JACK’ and features customized packaging and printed camera logos and comes with three lens filters: red, clear and peppermint. Package includes: Holga Color Flash Camera with red and clear color flash gels, a set of three custom filters, fisheye lens, The World through a Plastic Lens photo book, one 120 film roll, two “AA” batteries, editorial poster, and multilingual instruction manual. The camera uses all varieties of medium format 120 film.
Should be here in a couple weeks. Will I be taking it out of the box? Doubtful. I've got well over 40 different cameras that I'd rather get a Hulga and shoot that then open this slice of "pop" art.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dick Move .:or:. How Old Are You?

I'm a bit of a dick - and the people who read this will agree with me. Especially since most of my readers are my family (hi mom). Now, for this particular dick example I will ask you to look to the right side of my blog... scroll down a little... ok, see it now? That's correct - I am actually displaying my Amazon Wish List as a feed on my blog. Pathetic, I know. But I have a whole slew of reasons this isn't that bad of an idea:

  • Holidays are coming up
  • I like stuff
  • Sometimes you get me stuff
  • I've been telling people of late when they ask "what do you want?" that "nothing..." is fine to be polite and they actually get me nothing... now they don't have to ask, they can just check out the feed
  • This is the stuff I really want, not that crap you normally get me
  • You don't have to leave your house (prison cell - hi mom)
  • And on, and on, and on...
So, where does the dick part fit in? Well, as most of you know, when I want something I just go and buy it, which leaves little for anyone who cares (very few, trust me - who care; and stuff I guess). How old am I you ask, that I have a running tally of crap I want other people to buy me? How egocentric am I to think people even care about junk I want from Amazon? Only jackasses keep a running online tally of what they've spent on their ridiculous Porsche (I didn't mean it baby, I'm just trying to make a point)? That's right people - here the F I am.

Oh, and UTZ are always loved and shared.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

in rainbows | Just Downloaded

Took all of 10 seconds to download the zip. My co-workers are already listening to it. I've heard comments "it's not bad" and "it kind of sounds like OK Computer..." I am going to listen to it in it's entirety on my way to a client visit (good hour each way). I might listen both there and back? Not sure. Will post my thought when I've had a chance to check it out.

As an FYI, I was disappointed with Year Zero which I am chalking up to me not listening to it enough, so I am hoping for a better initial experience.

Where the Dart may fall

We like games. Games like Scrabble, Checkers, Chess, Fooseball, and especially Darts. We try and play at least once a week while in the basement. During a session recently the wife was getting a bit erratic with the throwing. She hit the wall, the actual wooden box the dart board lives in, and she hit the dry-erase pen. The PEN people! She used such pinpoint accuracy that she actually penetrated it sturdy plastic outer coating. It was awesome. I still beat her.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Checkers | It aint no pool or fightin

I used to play a lot of Chess when I was a kid. Actually, I used to play a lot of games (no shit, get to the point, you were a kid). In my adulthood I have lost the strategical attack of the game and have since stopped playing with any frequency to mention (save for the massive losses via my Mac). I'm aware of the problem, and seeking professional advice for the condition.

This past weekend the wife and I had the rare opportunity to head out for a good amount of time. I woke up with the wrath of all that is evil for some reason, so I needed to hit something; badly. We opted for the pool hall with good food. Someone RENTED the damn ROOM on a Saturday night, so I was left with 3 options: hit my wife and go to jail, hit a stranger and play the odds on going to jail, or drink and play checkers. So, as stated prior, I'm no Chess player anymore, but checkers to me is slightly more complicated then tick tack toe (that's going to piss her off). So my wife and I start to play a friendly game of checkers at the bar while we wait for 30 minutes to be served cold appetizers. I beat her in the first game. Apparently when I attempted to spew tactical advice I was "being condescending..." so I stopped and set the game anew. I beat her again, but this time she wouldn't let me beat her, so instead she jumbled the board and said "you won..."

It's occurred to me that my limited brain cells can grasp moves faster then that of Chess, while my wife was irritated at the simplicity of the game. The more I drank, the clearer the board became... unlike my wife, who became more incensed the more she drank. She became so unruly that we were asked to leave, and subsequently spat of the waitress who was held hostage by the kitchen staff.

Next time we're playing Scrabble so she can beat me and all with be right in the world.

(Only part of this story is actually true - I did beat her twice)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ferrari In the Morning... Ferrari in the Evening...

While I was in NY my meetings were always in midtown. I've been staying close enough to walk the past few trips and have successfully summoned the east coast "get the f*ck out of my way, I'm walking here..." stare and walking pattern. Never was I unfocused, never was I ever backing down to the suited masses during morning rush, never did I hear from my cousin who lives there (not even a freaking phone call, after I emailed AND left voice messages 2-3 times...), never did I miss a beat... till I walked by true lust herself. In red blazing sexual glory, my gaze never wanting to stare... as I walked by the Ferrari dealership at 54th and Park... Talk about a great way to start and end a work day.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

KipPlay | Macgyver of our time... or just a really good engineer

I am officially a KipPlay fan. His video production is top notch, his voice over is fantastic, his videos are short and very well thought out, and not only are they useful but sometimes damn funny. His main website is, eh, created by an electrical engineer, but his submitted video over at MetaCafe are organized in a cleaner format.

The latest video I've felt compelled to share with others (I know, you're not the only one I share things with) is his Traffic Light hack. It's awesome. The guys here are going to test it out over lunch to see if it works. After watching there was a poster who mentioned he did a parody of the original - very funny as well.

KipPlay, you have made a new fan. Looking forward to watching all your other videos and new ones to come...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Radar Gun | Engineers are cool as hell

I try and take a brief moment out of my day to check in on the aggregate sites for useless information... I get my regular news via NPR on my hour drive into work, so all the other crap users have found serves a purpose (somehow; I don't know, it can sometimes). So what I found today is one of the coolest things I've seen as of late - forget all the iPhone hacks, this hack is AWESOME!

Who knew KC had roaming packs of dogs?

I've been up rather late these past couple of weeks, and it's starting to show. I've grown a goatee, I have a part in my hair again (not since high school have a had a freaking part in my hairline), I'm not speeding... things of serious concern. So on my way to work this AM (7:21am to be exact) I see a pack of dogs. A PACK of dogs people, in Kansas City. I don't know if I hallucinated this, but I did a double-take and sure enough there they were... The Tramp, Jaque, some of his posse... didn't see Lady though.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Stingrays Are Covered in Mucus

While in Clear Water we visited the aquarium near by with Winter, the dolphin missing his tail. Traumatic story about a dolphin who lost his tail in a crab trap... anyway, it was educational and the kids liked it, but the really cool part was the petting stingray area. These rays had the stingers removed so we could interact with them. Was cool. They feel real slippery; come to find out that's due to the thin layer or mucus... nice. I wiped my hands of on the boy.

US Traveler

I've recently been in Chicago, NYC, and am currently in the Tampa airport waiting for our Memorial Labor Day weekend (thanks to Moe for the correction... I know nothing about holidays) vacation to come to a close. We spent the last three nights in Clear Water Florida... wow, what a fantastic place. I ate seafood every day/night by the truck load; lets recap, shall we:

  1. Steamed Clams
  2. Steamed Mussels
  3. Steamed Shrimp
  4. Steamed Crab Legs
  5. Broiled Crab Cakes
  6. Lobster Bisque
  7. New England Clam Chowder
  8. Fried Scallops
  9. Fried Shrimp
  10. Pan Seared Tuna
  11. Fried White Fish
  12. Shrimp Salad
  13. Fried Gator
  14. Shrimp Kabobs
  15. Shrimp Linguine
  16. And lets not forget the killer Hush Puppies at Crabby Bills!
On our last day we discovered a sandbar beyond the "swim" sign out in the ocean... we found sand-dollars by the hand full... kids loved it. I am burned, but working on the Mojitos from lunch so doing just fine. Kids are making way too much noise here past security, but such is that of a tired traveler.

Friday, August 17, 2007

I love comments | Delving into the world of online one-liners

It can be the forum community on any of my Porsche sites I frequent, the comments on Digg, the chatter on Rotten Tomatoes / IMDB... some of the stuff in here is hysterical. I try and stay clear of the really ugly and mean discussions, but for those that comment and use wit to elevate a ridiculous story I raise a glass of electrolyte enhanced water to you. I've read multiple things this morning that have caused me to openly laugh here in the office. Granted, I tend to snicker and chuckle (who the hell chuckles) now and again (and who the hell says "now and again"), but to laugh out loud (lol for those in the know... man, I'm even more of a looser today for some reason) at a comment thread, that doesn't happen much.

So when I read, in reference to a posting over at Reddit about a stupid picture of a lonely dog in the rain:

"When are you coming back, Phillip J. Fry? (link to comment thread)"
That just freaking had me on the floor (if you are a fan of Futurama, like I am, you get it... maybe not that funny, but it hit a nerve).

Or, when over at Digg someone posted an application to test if you happen to have Autistic Tendencies (the site is down at the time this posting was posted):
"Hey! fuck you test! just because I don't like people doesn't mean I'm autistic! (link to comment thread)"
I mean, I'm still laughing at that. I don't know if it's because I can see myself saying (writing) the same thing, or if my medication is reacting to all these new electrolytes in my system, but some of these anonymous people out here are freaking great. Most are self-serving jackasses who enjoy belittling the masses, but some of you are freaking great (no, not you, them; them over there).

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

YELP | Yet another user-generated-outlet-for-wasting-time

Although, to be fair, this does have the potential to be very helpful with reviews about local business and such. It's a competitor of CraigsList, with a Facebook type of spin. We'll watch and see how it evolves. From their about us section:

...the ultimate city guide that taps into the community's voice and reveals honest and current insights on local businesses and services on everything from martinis to mechanics.
Of course I've setup a profile and am going to showcase the best and worst experiences in this great slice of life I like to refer to as Kansas City. What I like about Yelp is that it's the "ULTIMATE" city guide, as opposed to those other not so ultimate ones... er... k...

King Statue | Made in China

Washington Post article.

It seems that Lei Yixin was selected to create the 28 foot statute of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for the Mall in Washington DC. Having lived just outside of DC for most of my young life, a monument to Dr. King is long overdue. It seems some people are are bit upset by the artists selection...

"Dr. King's statue is to be shipped here in a crate that supposedly says 'Made in China.' That's just obscene," Winfrey Young says.
According to the article - "She and her husband, Gilbert Young, a painter, are leading a group of critics who argue that an African American -- or any American -- should have been picked for such an important project."

I can't help but quote Mr. Yixix:
"He has always dreamed that people from all over the world will not be judged by the color of their skin -- that we would all be brothers and sisters and enjoy equal opportunity. Now I have the luck to get this opportunity..."
He's got a point. And frankly, the initial concept for the sculpture is rather impressive in my opinion.

Trunki | Luggage for little people

Talk about a cool idea. Don't get me wrong, I love it when I travel with my little angles and they scream, whine, cry, moan, and generally act like little monsters while in the airport. And don't get me started when I actually ask the bigger one to CARRY something (god forbid). This suitcase could possibly be the solution for the little buggers. On various other blogs adults are asking: "where's the my size version... I get tired too..."

Apparently the inventor got ripped apart on a BBC show for aspiring inventors/entrepreneurs called Dragons' Den (never heard of it).

So for $40 (without shipping) you can get a suitcase that holds up to 5 gallons of space, wheels, a puling strap, and potentially a kid who won't give you such a hard time while waiting to run though security... I'm sold. Read more over at the website for the Trunki.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Best of all Worlds | Porsche's new 911 Cabriolet

Let it be known here that I am not typically a fan of Porsche's convertibles. I know, I know, unthinkable. I love the way the 356 looks with the top down, and the 550 is just awesome, but frankly when they all put the top back up I'm no longer awe inspired. This brings us to a 2 fold post: great new website, "eh" new Turbo.

Porsche (and Volvo, and Saab, and VW) have been creating some fantastic micro sites to promote new auto releases. With Flash, they've been incorporating video and audio and 3D unlike many out in the online space. It's fluid (as long as you have enough pipe to flow all the load), clean, stylish and simply cool to play with. Now, I'm not a fan of introducing navigation that confuses, so it's always nice when non-traditional nav works well with the informational gathering (and traditional navigation is offered). It's a cool site.

The other reason I'm not so much a fan of Porsche convertibles... if I'm going to be driving as close to 200mph as possible, and I've got 450+hp at my access, I'll be damed if I don't have a freaking roof above my head. I really need to look into a roll cage.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Time to quit your day job | Google pays you up to $10

Now you won't be an employee of Google's, but a Google Representative. All you have to do is own a digital camera, have access to a computer (and internet; come-on people, you're making me work too hard at this), and I guess that's it. I mean, I'd suggest you use a car, but for dense cities I guess walking would be your best bet. So what's the deal? Google is attempting to compile the most accurate small business database around, and they need your help. From the FAQ section:

"As a Google Business Referral Representative, you'll visit local businesses to collect information (such as hours of operation, types of payment accepted, etc.) for Google Maps, and tell them about Google Maps and Google AdWords. You'll also take a few digital photos of the business that will appear on the Google Maps listing along with the business information. After the visit, you submit the business' info and photo(s) to Google through your Local Business Referrals Center, and we'll pay you up to $10 for each listing that is approved by Google and verified by the business.

All you need to be a successful Business Referral Representative is a passion for helping local businesses succeed, a love for the Internet (some knowledge of Google is great, too), and access to a computer and a digital camera."

Sounds easy, eh? That's $2 per pop to submit info, and an additional $8 when the small business confirms the info. I don't know... hit 10 a day, say 7 of them actually confirm, work seven days a week... that's $490 a week... 52 weeks in a year.... that's $25,480 a year working 365 days a year... lets say you can double that to 14 per day, working every day out of the year... that's $50,960... Dunno if I'd quit my day job, but I love free money.

Now wait, I'd hardly call this free money (great, am i talking to myself in a BLOG... this can't be good). You've got the camera cost, computer costs, gas costs (if driving), varying access to business (a lot of places don't open on Sundays, holidays, etc.), and then there's the people hurdle:

You - "Hi, I'm with Google..."
Business - "You work for Google?"
You - "Well, no, I'm a Representative..."
Business - "Do you have a card?"
You - "Well, no, I don't but I'm here to verify your address and have you heard about AdWords..."

Call me crazy, but this seems like a great idea in theory... I'm dying to see the person who proves me wrong and averages 30 business a day. Good luck people, I'll be watching.


I totally forgot to mention this while I wasn't posting for so long (did that make sense?): GrandCentral was acquired by Google a while back and I signed up for the service as soon as I discovered it. Check it out.


You'll notice the new little box to the right just under my profile... I've just started messing with the service. More to come.

HTML 5 | The Future of the Web?

Great article from Elliotte Rusty Harold about new elements in HTML 5. Very exciting stuff. Looking forward to playing/testing them in new projects.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Vertu Ferrari Phone

I hate being sick, but I love finding ways for cross branding opportunities - too bad this is a shit idea. The Vertu Ferrari phone is being released to commemorate 60 years of Ferrari (again, why a phone???). I was reading about it in my Stuff magazine (I know, talk about a lot of useless information in this months issue). 1,947 will be offered as a limited release (get it, 1947... 60 years... come-on people, keep up). The back is apparently a reproduction of a break peddle (not going to make any more fun of this phone that hasn't already been done on the blogs so far). What does it cost? Well I'm still a little fuzzy, and my reference magazine is upstairs, but I believe it was in the $7K range (give or take). Granted, a lot less expensive hen a real Ferrari, but I doubt the resale will be any good. Stuff did have a shot of the display, and the graphics looked pixelated and crappy. For $7K+/- my graphics better be a hell of a nicer then my t-mobile crack phone!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Wii Bowling | Totally forgot

Over the weekend the little princess and I were playing Bowling. I'd lost my groove, but am still at Pro status (for those that don't know what I'm talking about, yeah, I'm sick so I'm not going to go into it, sorry). I mean, I can't bowel a Turkey to save my life. I'd been messing with a new style, so I attempted to be as consistent as possible. Strike 1, 2, Turkey, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... one more frame, one more freaking frame and I'd have a perfect 300... and wouldn't you know it I freaking choked! 297. How pissed was I!?!?

Screw land, I want an underground silo

It's always been a dream to have a secret lair under my home (ala BatCave, or better yet Blast From The Past). The idea of having a subterranean getaway is just cool. So im home sick looking sad and pitiful when the wife brings me a "feel better" gift: my latest Stuff magazine. Page 23 has me wanting to call my lender: www.missilebases.com. From the website:

We have now sold 27 of these properties to excited owners that plan to refurbish and use them for various personal and commercial purposes. Because the availability of these properties is limited, we see them as an investment sure to grow in value.
So all I have to do is sell that kidney (shut it, those of you thinking they aren't worth anything any longer) to get me a fun "This Old Missile Silo" project. I wonder if Bob Villa would help me out?

Day With Dad

So the wife took the girl to a birthday party on Saturday, and suggested I take the boy to get his back-to-school supplies because it was the "no tax" weekend. Not seeing the display at Target I figure we'd just get him a lunch-box or something. As we came closer to the "supplies" area I could feel the air become tighter. The smell in the air was that of chaos with hints of scented hand lotion. I could also feel the floor tremble with that of designer BOGO shoes... I had inadvertently stumbled into the center mix of the Back To School Mom-O-Roma. The boy and I were lucky enough to get out alive; camouflage lunch-box in hand. I text'ed the wife:

"...the moms scare me... I'm pulling out... I'll see if I can grab a couple polo's along the way... if i don't make it I've always really liked you..."
I felt it only appropriate we wash that experience down with some Wendy's, which wasn't as awe-inspiring as it usually is... so I figured I should attempt to salvage the day with something cool: The Simpson's Movie.

In true dad form, we show up to see if we can fall in a range of times to catch the film - no knowledge of schedules. 50 minutes early. No worries, we'll play some games. He's made a b-line for the crap dispensers which I shut down "...dude, you have a room full of crap. Just play something, will you?" Being the good parent I am, I head to the pinball machine and leave him to find an alternative. So what does he end up playing? Some first person shooter with a kid who just got out of the earlier Simpsons show; I realize after all my tokens are gone. He really needs work on his aim (XMAS is right around the corner... hummmmmm).

So the movie was cool. We had to have a conversation on the ride home about language and what he's not allowed to repeat, situations he's not allowed to ask questions about, and why he's not allowed to take any dare I may suggest to him that involves public nudity. Frankly, if I hadn't already shown my questionable parenting judgment by letting him see The Monster Squad movie just a couple of weeks ago I might feel bad; but I don't. Now, to make all of you happy if/when Futurama comes out with a film I won't take him to see that until he's actually 13; unless it's R, then yes, I will take him to see that - Futurama rocks!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

One of my favorite YouTube Videos

Because it just never gets old. Also check out Natalie Portman's rap for similar hilarity.

The Best Show On Cable

So jacking around last night I stumbled across the G4 channel. I'm going to say that my favorite quote of the night:

"...give me that cell phone, I'm on my period, I'll shove it down my pant..."

So, after we've established that this channel is "edgy" lets move onto my latest discovery - Ninja Warrior. Holy crap, this show is awesome. 100 contestants challenge for the opportunity to become labeled a ninja by completing a series of physical tests. These guys are freaking awesome. Talk about upper body strength.

The closest I've ever come to being labeled a Ninja was when I bought some throwing stars from a kid in elementary school. Wait, I was labeled a looser-dork, not Ninja... my bad.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Daddy Daddy, Kill The Spider

Now, I hear this a lot as a father of small children. I also hear "Daddy, daddy... it's a moth, KILL IT!" My kids are "normal" little buggers interested in insects, reptiles, etc. We have pet frogs (which stink up my sons room like ass, but I digress). I read Reddit every once and a while, and this morning a story just freaked me out:

"Pet spider kills its owner"
Now, ok, I can live with that title for a story. I can also usually live with that much information and move on. Did I in this case? No I did not, and I really wish I had. Read on my fellow rubber-necker's:
"Police broke in to Mark Voegel’s apartment to find spider Bettina along with 200 others, several snakes, a gecko lizard called Helmut and several thousand termites had gorged on his body."
Now, I'm not going to ruin the ending for you (yup, there is more) so head over to the Sun for the complete article. What got me was someone out there was stupid enough to live with all these creatures in an apartment with them running LOOSE!? Now, my rifle coach lived with so many guns that when you sat down on the sofa odds were that thing poking you in the back was a pistol, but snakes & dart frogs & spiders all crawling around your place? I'm going to guess he didn't date much.

It is sad that a human was eaten by his pets, but my god I'm going to suggest it was only a matter of time. I like to live a little dangerously, but hell, I'm not going to sit around naked covered in honey and let my pet South American Killer Bees just roam around the house... I keep them locked in my kids room. Hey, they wanted them!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Pokemon Incident

My friends son is in the hospital for a surgery to help with a pretty serious issue. She and I trade stories about our children because, well, they do stupid shit and it's funny to hear what all they are doing. Knowing that she's freaking out about her boy in the hospital (he's older then my son by about 10 years), I shoot her an email about something that happened in my house last week. The next segment is taken from the original email I shot over to her:

"How you doing mom? Little boy sick got you a bit nutz? Well if it makes you feel better (or not) *WIFE* had a moment with *BOY* yesterday: the mom/son dynamic explodes...

We are headed to see a movie. I am not home – on my way to pick her up. Babysitter is already there. *BOY* declares that he is walking across the back lot to his friend’s to trade PokeMon cards. Apparently, PokeMon cards he JUST got that day from another friend. Babysitter says no, not now. He ignores her. *WIFE* walks downstairs and he’s at the back gate, ignoring the babysitters repeated requests to stay in the back yard (sweet girl, needs more guts). *WIFE* gets him inside. She’s pissed. She’s going on about how disrespectful he’s being...then she notices him staring at the PokeMon cards she’s taken from him... Ignoring her, watching the cards...

*WIFE* - “These!? Are THESE what this is all about??!! Well lets just take care of that to get your focus back on the situation at hand!!”

2 cards ripped to pieces. He’s floored, stunned, shocked... Then I call and light into him after *WIFE* tells me what he did (not mentioning the card ripping, of course).

By the time I get home, he is hyperventilating and literally sobbing unable to control himself. We leave. She calls to check in after the movie and at one point he came downstairs with a bag of toys and said he was running away.

So I spend the whole night with her ALL upset at how she handled herself, feeling guilty, just in a shitty mood.

Mothers and Sons. Thought you’d get a kick out of that.

So my friend responds with:
"Tell *WIFE*, the day will come when she and *BOY* will reminisce and laugh over the drama. And, he will love her as mom even more."
Apparently she and her son were laughing so hard he asked her to stop heading because he was laughing so hard it was hurting his stitches. I went on to tell her about the times I made my mothers life hell because I was a prick for a couple of years (shut it people, I'm a different KIND of prick now).

She's absolutely right. The bond of mother and son is deep. I know as much hell as I've given my mom over the years, my mommy takes up a lot of room in my heart.

Don't Answer, It's Google

I don't know, maybe everyone who uses AdSense is totally on top of their account, unlike me. I login every once and a while when I remember. So recently I logged in and noticed a message:

"We need to verify your address, so look for a letter from us in the mail..."
I thought to myself "cool" I love getting mail from Google, and it's been a while. So when the letter came, and I followed directions to verify my address how stoked was I to see a new notice:
"We now need to verify you home phone number..."
For those that haven't gone though this process yet, you have to click that you are in fact at home after you've logged into your account by clicking a button (or at the location of the number you provided originally), and Google calls you to ask for a code which they have provided to you. It was instantaneous. Google came up on the caller ID, I followed the brief prompts, and that was that.

Random Deodorant Story

So on the way home I stopped at a gas station to get some small bags of Salsa Verde Doritos (because the stores around here don't carry the big bags... kills me), but this particular one doesn't carry them. Irritated, I walk out and get in my car. On the way to my car I noticed a couple grubby dudes standing by the ice bag thing. I shut the door and look up to one of them putting on what looked to be womans deodorant. Now, it is hot outside, and I guess if you stink you stink, but I just got done with a seminar where a section was all about perspiration, and things you can use with deordorant... random.

Etiquette Training | Who Knew?

So my company setup etiquette training for the entire staff. Mostly perceived as "silly" or "I've got better things to do" by those I spoke to about it prior, but I was optimistic (a first; I know). It was really rather informative. Our instructor was perfect for the group I was in. Now I have a manual for all the inappropriate things I've been doing all these years in the professional game. Basic things like hand-shake method, zones of appropriate eye contact, where a name tag should be placed (right side, closer to your shoulder), and conversation tools to help with an unknown group. It was good stuff.

My favorite quote:

"...you can get Botox injections under your arms to help with heavy perspration issues..."
Want another one? Here you go:
"...if you do have sweaty hands, you can use deoderant (one with no smell) on your hands prior to an engagement to help..."
Last one:
"...Rabbi's wives don't shake hands..."
Again, who knew?

Talk about an insaine shot | NOT MINE

I've seen some wild photo's before, but this is just sick. Check out all those onlookers faces. Composition wise, this is a once is a lifetime capture. I love camera burst. Reminds me of Ben's style. If I didn't know any better I would have pegged it for one of his.

You can also check out the video for it - it's the last vignette, so fast forward or check out all the other really cool stunts prior.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Dark Knight | Viral Joker + ComicCon + DIGG

Last week I stumbled across a post regarding the latest Dark Knight viral website launch. Syncing up with ComicCon, the producers of the film (to be released next year) launched a rather obscure site with a count-down clock. You see from the re-direct they've obviously changed it to the on-site promo. The image displayed along with this post is the actual main page. After the countdown was up, you were presented clues and puzzles to advance to the next screen. The basic payoff was a new teaser trailer. Pretty cool. You were suppose to sync up with individuals on the ground at a location that was quickly determined to be right across from where ComicCon was being hosted (CA). We're talking some cool shit here people. I'm sure if you search DIGG for the posting you can find additional information (or I'll just give you the link I was using). So, what's the point you ask? I'll break into a new paragraph to continue.

Now, I've been reading DIGG for a while now. I've Dug and Buried. Read very heated and angry posts... I've enjoyed being a fly as opposed to a participant. Last week, when I was waiting for the clock to count down, I was glued to DIGG (like many) reading up to the minute information regarding the interaction of this promotional promo site. As I was screaming at the computer:

"What the hell, where are the real time updates... this is CRAP... I HATE YOU DIGG..."
Other DIGG members were posting the same things. It was great. I was on the edge of my seat as it was unfolding. I was part of the group trying to figure it out, calling the provided number (it was a creepy "hostage" message with additional clues... amazing) to gain additional information, going back and forth with posters... I was part of a viral event that has since disappeared from the original location (obviously people have saved the .swf files and captured screens). Virtually being in the thick was simply awesome. Well done Warner Bros. And thank you DIGG.

Posting Test via Cell Phone | Looks like it works

Another testing from the cell phone.

Y The Last Man

So I was reading a couple blogs talking about new comic-movies in the works. They referenced "scrapping the barrel" for B-grade series, except this one: Y The Last Man. What got me interested was all the fanboy talk of the difficulty "one" film would be. See, it's a series that gets more complex as it goes... I know, I know, look at X-Men and Spidey; both complex series with a massive history and storyline... What I was getting at is I agree with all the fanboys that this would make a fantastic HBO or SHO series. Toss in some high production costs, some A-talent; would make for a killer series.

So, what's it about? From Amazon:

A mysterious plague has killed every man on earth except Yorick Brown, who was somehow spared. That is the provocative premise of the comics series whose first five issues make up this book. The sole Y-chromosomed survivor is an amiable, headstrong young man, the son of a U.S. congresswoman and, as it happens, an amateur escape artist. He spends most of the story on the run from a tribe of self-styled Amazons bent on eliminating the last vestige of patriarchy. He is also trying, with a bioengineer who may be responsible for the worldwide "gendercide," to figure out why he survived; hoping to reach his girlfriend in Australia; and, of course, contemplating the repopulation of the planet.
After reading the first book I was blown away. Just went out over lunch to get the rest of the published series. Not since Sin City have I been this into a book, and I've been out of the graphic novels for some time. More when I get into the series.

Wii | Holy Crap I Forget to Tell You

The wife got me a Wii for Fathers Day (how freaking "old news" can you get, wasn't fathers day, like, a while ago... see, if I don't blog about this stuff I have no idea when it happened!?). Love it. Brought the joy back into gaming for me.

So, I work, you know, at a job, and can't spend hours all day playing Bowling. But my kid can. And he can rub it in my face that he's a Pro level before me. Screw that into your pipe and smoke it! Man, was I pisssed. So I stayed up that very night he called me out and made Pro Status. He has since LOST his... bruhahahahahaah.

Look, I'm not shooting for father of the year here people, just a little friendly competition with the boy. Back off.

I've also scored gold in ping-pong (3rd try, no less). Look, I'm not as much of a dork as this all is starting to sound... whatever people, don't you have some intellectuals BLOG you can go read??

Wii kicks ass, and the wife who bought it for me does as well. Her fitness score is in the 60's... mine is 31. HA! Big dork here people, big dork...

Where the hell have I been?

Well, I've been playing over at Facebook ( i know, but it's a lot better then MySpace... maybe), messing with LinkedIn more, and forever trying to change the outlook. Just like the last post, I'm starting soccer season soon (next week to be exact). BU8 now. Crazy. Should be a good season.

I know I always say it, but I'm going to try and add stuff here more, because I miss it when i can't remember what I've done for the past 5 months (and I can't) - writing it down helps in the long run.

So I guess I'm back for the moment. I know you've missed me.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Trying to catch up

I've been silent for a bit, I realize. A lot has been going on. I started a new position, left my previous (hard decision because of the people I loved working with; easy decision because of the people I would be working with), and have been trying to play catchup ever since. I've blinked and it's been 6 weeks. Things of note from the past 6 weeks:

  • Yes, my 911 is still in the shop. I just talked to Stephen and it's a parts issue. Once they get in it's a weeks worth of work to get her all together and running. I'll have to keep her below 4000 rpms and not at a constant push for about 1,000 miles, then I need to bring her back in for a tune and adjustment. Patience is palpable due to my good friend who is letting me borrow his car while I am without one.
  • Yes, soccer season has started (2 weeks ago) but due to the weather we have had to cancel the last 2 practices. Jeff and I need to meet still to review strategy (yes, I did say strategy - his words, not mine).
  • Yes, I had a very productive meet and learn down in Florida. While there I did fly in the chopper. I also spent a lovely evening one night on the yacht. We did have a concern about the whole 'motion' issue I have, but the only time I could really feel any movement was when the chopper was landing on the yacht.
  • Yes, I did in fact spend Valentines Day with my wife at a Mother's and More meeting learning about our "5 Love Languages." I could go on, but I think that's enough of an explanation to trigger snickering and potential outright laughter.
  • YP/IYP - Yellow Pages / Internet Yellow Pages. Wow. Who knew?
  • seomoz.org is my new favorite BLOG.
  • Yes, my wedding anniversary is coming up next week (reminder to self...)
  • Yes, I did get the NANO and Nike+ package.
  • No, I have not had time to go for a run. Christ, it's -1 with the wind chill around here for God's sake, and I hate running inside.
  • Chloe still won't poop.
That's about it. I have some pictures, some YouTube conversations, DIGG fondness, and other work related stuff but that's for another post.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Thinking about moving BLOG over to another domain name...

So I log in after a nasty holiday to talk all about the fun toys I just got, and I read about the new ease of moving one's blogspot account over to a registered URL. Since I own an ass-load of urls, and I like to keep things as simple as possible (right, because drunkinlife.blogspot.com is so EASY to remember) I'm considering it - the question is, which url? Do I move it over to say andrewdoak.com and convert content there to this platform? Do I say make a sub directory of slant32 and call it slant32.com/blog or better yet, slant32.com/drunkinlife? Not sure. Blogger must be reading my mind because I was looking to WordPress for a possible solution of this same nature...I'm going to have to think about this...

Oh yeah, I got a new 8GB nano (PRODUCT)red, MacBook Pro 17' everything, NIKE + iPod running package, and some other cool little things.

Spoiled? Hell yes. Come-on, you want to read about spoiled, go over to my 89c4 site for Christ's sake.