Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Trunki | Luggage for little people

Talk about a cool idea. Don't get me wrong, I love it when I travel with my little angles and they scream, whine, cry, moan, and generally act like little monsters while in the airport. And don't get me started when I actually ask the bigger one to CARRY something (god forbid). This suitcase could possibly be the solution for the little buggers. On various other blogs adults are asking: "where's the my size version... I get tired too..."

Apparently the inventor got ripped apart on a BBC show for aspiring inventors/entrepreneurs called Dragons' Den (never heard of it).

So for $40 (without shipping) you can get a suitcase that holds up to 5 gallons of space, wheels, a puling strap, and potentially a kid who won't give you such a hard time while waiting to run though security... I'm sold. Read more over at the website for the Trunki.

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