Friday, August 10, 2007

Best of all Worlds | Porsche's new 911 Cabriolet

Let it be known here that I am not typically a fan of Porsche's convertibles. I know, I know, unthinkable. I love the way the 356 looks with the top down, and the 550 is just awesome, but frankly when they all put the top back up I'm no longer awe inspired. This brings us to a 2 fold post: great new website, "eh" new Turbo.

Porsche (and Volvo, and Saab, and VW) have been creating some fantastic micro sites to promote new auto releases. With Flash, they've been incorporating video and audio and 3D unlike many out in the online space. It's fluid (as long as you have enough pipe to flow all the load), clean, stylish and simply cool to play with. Now, I'm not a fan of introducing navigation that confuses, so it's always nice when non-traditional nav works well with the informational gathering (and traditional navigation is offered). It's a cool site.

The other reason I'm not so much a fan of Porsche convertibles... if I'm going to be driving as close to 200mph as possible, and I've got 450+hp at my access, I'll be damed if I don't have a freaking roof above my head. I really need to look into a roll cage.

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