Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Panera Side Note | Google Porn?

Seems Flickr is blocked as inappropriate content by this Panera? I headed over to Picasa to see if I could get through and I could (except Google is using a sub-domain so it's possible that's why I can get though). I tried to see if that could get through; no such luck (not as if I ever go to - I'm not trying to be funny, I really don't - no, seriously, Christ). So, on the Google theory I tried; it's still loading so maybe I've stumbled onto a secret Google underground file sharing service? That would be cool. I wonder what SERPs show up for in Google? Lets look...

Woah, seems result #4 displays a result that's a little Google-Freaky-Diky. Now, I'm not much of a Google Groups kind of guy, but this is really way out of my league.

Anyway, glad to see that Panera is preventing pervs from looking at inappropriate sites out in the open, but Flickr... come-on.

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