Friday, November 10, 2006

Know your neighbors

So I'm up early the other morning (Wednesday, I believe) about to hop in the shower. From my bathroom window, I can see out to the rest of the streets (we live on a corner, so I can see 2 streets from my front lawn). I look out and see a person I don't recognize. Not a big deal, I don't know all my neighbors, so I don't think much of it...till it hits me - it's kind of cold for a walk, the person has a parka on with the hood up, and their not jogging but shuffling up the street. Then I get concerned when this person start talking to my house from across the street. Not at me, not at someone on my lawn, just the general direction of my home. Huh. So I continue to watch this person start looking into people's windows, looking into cars on the street, picking up things off the ground and putting them into their pocket...

I call the local police and report a suspicious person walking around my home. I give them my name, my address, and my phone number. I tell them I don't need an officer to come to my house, but that I would like a drive by to see what this person is doing.

My wife wakes up and listens to my conversation with the local police and looks outside. She sees the person. She turns to me and says "I bet that's *BLANK*'s mom...she's Bi-Polar, had issues with the police before, I bet that's her". Great. I just called the police on my neighbor.

Let's back up a little bit here. We have a young man by the name of *BLANK*. He roams the streets at all hours of the day and night. There is something wrong with this young man. He's had control issues, impulse issues, rage issues, and possibly some slight retardation. Nice enough, but annoying at times, and as a father who has witnessed him interacting with other kids in the neighborhood, I like him to keep his distance from my family. His mother, supposedly has her own problems. Alcohol, Bi-Polar, I have been told.

Last night, after my wife and I had a lovely evening out, while she is dropping off the babysitter, the doorbell rings. It's 9:45pm. I assume it my wife because the garage door opener must be broken. It's a little, almost confused woman who begins to introduce herself - "Hi, my name is *BLANK*. I live down the street. You have a lovely home. This is a nice neighborhood. What a beautiful daughter, what's her name? Have we met? My name is *BLANK*. I just wanted to introduce myself. I won't bother you again".

So, lets recap shall we: I see a "stranger". I call the police. My wife and I determine it might be *BLANK*'s mom from down the street. *BLANK* comes to my door to not mention a single THING about the cops, but to introduce herself. Even if I had known who she was, she was so bundled up I wouldn't have recognized her.


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