Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cocaine in a can you say?

I was diagnosed with Bronchitis yesterday afternoon, and this morning I'm having a little difficulty with swallowing - which makes it difficult to talk. I choose to sit out todays radio show which sucks because the topic was all about "drink marketing." SoftDrinks, EnergyDrinks, name it. I sent Rick a bunch of emails (none of which he responded to on the air), so I downed a hot cup of tea and called in. I had to mention my favorite marketing ploy to date concerning energy drinks: Cocaine Energy. Cocaine in a can. I know it's not politically correct. I know a lot of people are upset by it. From ABC News:

"It's just a bad idea and has all the same downsides of too much caffeine plus a very bad name," says Dr. Charles O'Brien a professor and vice chairman of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.
The drink touts 280 milligrams of caffeine. I remember when Jolt Cola was all the rage, and that has only 72mg of caffeine.

I might have to drive to Texas and get me some (it's not nationally available yet).

Allison asked me on the show what regional drinks I missed from the East Coast? Saranac Root Beer. Made by Saranac Brewery in upstate NY. They micro brew this amazing root beer. If you ever have the chance to try it, do!

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