Now, I hear this a lot as a father of small children. I also hear "Daddy, daddy... it's a moth, KILL IT!" My kids are "normal" little buggers interested in insects, reptiles, etc. We have pet frogs (which stink up my sons room like ass, but I digress). I read Reddit every once and a while, and this morning a story just freaked me out:
"Pet spider kills its owner"Now, ok, I can live with that title for a story. I can also usually live with that much information and move on. Did I in this case? No I did not, and I really wish I had. Read on my fellow rubber-necker's:
"Police broke in to Mark Voegel’s apartment to find spider Bettina along with 200 others, several snakes, a gecko lizard called Helmut and several thousand termites had gorged on his body."Now, I'm not going to ruin the ending for you (yup, there is more) so head over to the Sun for the complete article. What got me was someone out there was stupid enough to live with all these creatures in an apartment with them running LOOSE!? Now, my rifle coach lived with so many guns that when you sat down on the sofa odds were that thing poking you in the back was a pistol, but snakes & dart frogs & spiders all crawling around your place? I'm going to guess he didn't date much.
It is sad that a human was eaten by his pets, but my god I'm going to suggest it was only a matter of time. I like to live a little dangerously, but hell, I'm not going to sit around naked covered in honey and let my pet South American Killer Bees just roam around the house... I keep them locked in my kids room. Hey, they wanted them!
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