Friday, November 17, 2006

Sick Sucks

I'm sitting here, on the couch in the basement half watching The Thing, half running reports, half answering work e-mails, half trying to get back to sleep, while hoping the rumbling in my stomach settles down from the chicken and rice soup I'm trying to keep down. I lied by the way; leaving all the sites alone to get a baseline - I couldn't help myself. I needed to add new content. It was driving me crazy.

I'm waiting on a package that should be here today - an electronic solution to move all the god-damn moles out of my yard into my neighbors. They've been destroying both the front and back. Little bastards.

I actually wrote out an XMAS list for my parents. As my wife puts it "what the hell are you, 5??"

Random stuff here people. My head is pounding, I have limited attention right now, and I think I finally have become tired enough to get some rest.


DrunkInLife said...

Ok, the ONLY reason I put them down is that I'm getting some serious chips in the paint from driving it every day. I put down that I'm not "sure" if I want them. I know they are dorky, but part of me feels it's ok to be a dork and save $10,000 on a new paint job. I know, I know, still really sad.

DrunkInLife said...

after a short conversation with my wife (who used a lot of nasty words), I have removed them from my list. Power of influence. Go in peach.